About This Site
I intend for this web site to display correctly with as many different browsers and platforms as possible. As a result, I try to keep my HTML code as pure as possible, meaning that I don't use any browser-specific HTML extensions that are only usable by a limited audience, and I make sure my site coding meets the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)'s HTML/XHTML/CSS Specifications. As of 2015, the site is now written in XHTML 1.1 Basic, with a separate stylesheet for mobile devices to make sure that it is usable on cell phones as well as on computers and tablets.
This site is maintained on several Macintosh computers. It was originally created using Bare Bones Software's BBEdit, and it is now maintained using Panic Software's Coda. (I believe in editing HTML files by hand, to give me the most control over how they work and to make sure that they continue to validate as proper HTML.)
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)
HTML is the basic language that is used to produce most Web sites..
General HTML Resources
- World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) (the organization behind the official recommendations for Web standards)
- HTMLGoodies' HTML Primer
- HTML Cheat Sheet (from A Simple Guide to HTML)
- HTML Cheat Sheet.com
HTML Quick Reference/Cheatsheets
- Current HTML/XHTML Standards and Specifications (from W3C)
- About.com's HTML 4.01 / XHTML 1.0 Reference
- ActiveJump's HTML and CSS Tutorial
- DevX's HTML Tag Quick Reference Guide
- W3school's HTML 4.01 Reference
- WebsiteSetup's HTML5 Cheat Sheet
HTML Character Entity Codes
Most special characters beyond the standard letters and numbers require special entity codes to guarantee that they will be displayed properly. These pages offer lists of these entity codes, as well as information on which are supported by the official HTML specification.
- ASCII Special Characters (from About.com's Web Design site)
- Character Entities in HTML and XHTML (from the Web Standards Project)
- Character Entity References in HTML 4 (from the W3C)
- Character and Entity References in HTML 4 (from Jukka Korpela in Finland)
- Character Set and Special Characters (from the HTML Tag List)
HTML Color Codes
Named Colors: sixteen colors are named as part of the HTML 4 specification; the following sources provide lists of these color names:
- WebReference.com
- Web Standards Project
- W3schools' list of 150 color names (all of which are recognized by each of the major browsers)
Web-Safe Palettes: researchers have identified 216 "web-safe" colors that should display correctly in any browser and any monitor; the following sources provide charts of these colors:
Extensible Hypertext Markup Language (XHTML)
XHTML is an advancement for HTML. At least in version 1.0, it is quite similar to HTML, with only a few relatively minor changes (all markup tags require closing tags, all tags must be written in lower case, all tag values must be enclosed in quotes, and so on).
- Current HTML/XHTML Standards and Specifications (from W3C)
- HTLM Goodies.com
- WebReference.com's XHTML Resources
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
CSS is a technology that allows much greater control over the appearance of web sites than was possible with basic HTML. CSS can be used with both HTML 4 and XHTML.
CSS General Resources
- W3C's CSS Site
- Current CSS Standards and Specifications (from W3C)
- Adding a Touch of Style (by Dave Raggett)
- HTML Goodies.com's CSS Tutorials
- WDG's CSS Resources
- WebReference.com's CSS Resources
CSS Quick Reference
CSS for Site Layout
One of the most promising uses for CSS -- but also one of the most difficult to perfect when there are so many different levels of CSS support and so many different CSS bugs in various browsers -- is the use of style sheets for page layout. I had some serious problems with this myself as I developed the new layout for this site in summer of 2003. These sites offer tried and true layout templates that are built with CSS, which users are welcome to borrow or adapt for their own use.
- CSS Layout Techniques (from glish.com)
- Little Boxes (from TheNoodleIncident.com)
- Real World Style (from Mark Newhouse)
Validators and Other Web Design Tools
Validators are useful for making sure that your pages use valid HTML and CSS code that should display properly in any standards-compliant browser.
HTML Validators and Other Useful Services
- From the W3C:
- Lynx Viewer (view your pages as they appear in Lynx, a text-only browser)
- Page Valet (an HTML validator from Site Valet)
- Web Design Group (WDG) HTML Validator
- Web Page Backward Compatibility Viewer (from Delorie.com; a tool that shows how a page will look without certain recent browser technologies, to ensure that it will work in older browsers)
Web Design and Style Issues
Even if one writes technically perfect HTML code, there is no guarantee that the page will be useful. These pages address a variety of Web design, style, and usability issues that Web designers should keep in mind while designing their sites.
- W3C Style Guide for Online Hypertext (from Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the World Wide Web)
- Top Ten Mistakes in Web Design and Writing for the Web (by Jakob Nielsen; see also the Nielsen Norman Group's usability advice)
- Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (from W3C; guidelines on making your web pages accessible for those with disabilities as well as easier to use for everybody else; see also their more detailed page listing techniques for meeting these guidelines and their checklist.)
- Web Style Guide.com
Last updated: 2 November 2018
This site © Copyright 1996-present,
Paul R. Hensel. All rights reserved.
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