Political Science Departments

If you are considering studying Political Science, these lists might help you identify potential departments for you. If you are considering graduate school, though, the best approach is to talk with faculty at your undergraduate institution, as they may have more insight to offer than just listing hundreds of departments.

Graduate School in Political Science

If you want to work in academics -- whether teaching at anything between a community college and an Ivy League university, or doing research at a think tank or government agency -- you will need a graduate degree, most likely a Ph.D.

Careers with a Political Science Degree

Many undergraduates wonder what they can do with a Political Science degree if they do not want to go to graduate school or law school.

Political Science majors develop a number of skills that make them valuable to employers in almost any field, particularly in the areas of critical thinking (questioning evidence and considering multiple perspectives before drawing a conclusion), analytical thinking (drawing conclusions from systematic analysis of evidence), and written communication (expressing thoughts and conclusions in coherent writing). Unlike some trendier majors that prepare students for a single career choice, these types of skills are much more flexible and adaptable, and help to prepare students for a variety of different careers. The following articles offer examples of employers -- many in technical fields where STEM majors, not social science/liberal arts majors, are seen as typical hires -- recognizing the value of these skills:

Political Science Organizations

Political Science-Related Journals

It is beyond the scope of this web site to maintain a complete list of all journals that publish relevant research, but these are many of the leading journals that political scientists read and publish in:

External Funding Sources

External research funding is becoming an increasingly important part of the discipline. This section includes both lists of funding agencies and direct links to some of the more useful agencies that support Political Science research.

Last updated: 9 October 2019
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