Paul R. Hensel
Department of Political Science |
Office: 165 Wooten Hall |
Teaching Schedule
Spring 2025:
- PSCI 2306.001: U.S. and Texas Government (MWF 10-10:50, 116 Sage)
- PSCI 6830.001: International Conflict [graduate-level] (M 2-4:50, 111 WH)
- Office Hours (165 Wooten Hall): W 11 AM-12:30 PM, Th 10:30 AM-Noon
Summer 2025:
- I will not be teaching in the summer, but I will be around Denton for most of the summer. Please email me if you need to set up a meeting.
Fall 2025:
- PSCI 3300.002: "Political Science Research Methods" (MWF 1-1:50, 115 WH)
- PSCI 3810.002: "International Relations" (MWF 9-9:50, 121 WH)
Spring 2026 (tentative):
- PSCI 4821: "International Conflict"
- (only one course scheduled due to my duties as co-graduate director)
Site Index
Me and My Research
- About Me
- Curriculum Vitae
- Issue Correlates of War (ICOW) Project
- Quarterly and Annual Reviews
- Main ICOW data sets:
- Supplementary data sets:
My Teaching
- Undergraduate courses:
- PSCI 2306: "U.S. and Texas Government" (formerly PSCI 1040)
- PSCI 3300: "Political Science Research Methods" (formerly PSCI 2300)
- PSCI 3810: "International Relations"
- PSCI 4828: "Geography, History, and International Relations" (formerly PSCI 4820)
- PSCI 4821: "International Conflict"
- INR 3603: "Theories of International Relations" (not taught at UNT - this is an old syllabus I used at FSU)
- POS 3931: "Broward Hall Seminar in International Affairs" (not taught at UNT - this is an old syllabus I used at FSU)
- Graduate courses:
- PSCI 6830: "International Conflict" (formerly PSCI 5830)
- PSCI 6832: "Contexts and International Relations"
- PSCI 5810: "Proseminar in International Relations" (not taught at UNT - this is an old syllabus I used at FSU)
- PSCI 5340: "Political Science Scope and Methods" (not taught at UNT - this is an old syllabus I used at FSU)
- Political Science Resources
- Teaching Policies
Academic and Reference Pages
- The material that used to be in my substantive pages (e.g. separate pages on American politics, international organizations, or political methodology) has been moved to the "Additional online resources" pages for my undergraduate courses, above. These pages were not visited very often when they were maintained separately, and this allows their contents to be more useful for my students.
- International Relations Data
- Online News Sources
- Reference Materials
Notable Recent Changes to Site
Teaching: Added final Fall 2025 teaching schedule (Feb 2025).
My Research: Added 2023 ISA paper on colonial legacies and territorial claims, 2021 APSA paper on identity claims under the territorial integrity norm, and 2020 PSSI/2021 ISA paper on deterrence in identity claims.
My Data: Added announcement about 2019 J. David Singer Data Innovation Award to relevant pages (Fall 2019). Added ICOW quarterly and annual reviews page (May 2019). Released version 1.30 of the ICOW Historical State Names data (November 2018), version 1.10 of the ICOW Colonial History data (November 2018), and version 1.02 of the ICOW Territorial Claims data (December 2016). Updated the ICOW General Coding Manual to reflect the addition of identity claims, ICOW River Claims Coding Manual to improve the discussion of dams using the ICOLD data, and released the initial version of the ICOW Identity Claims Coding Manual; and updated the ICOW Non-State Actors List to include actors involved in recently coded settlement attempts (December 2018).
Other: Verified links in the newspaper pages (January 2020). Added a privacy policy page to explain use of cookies (December 2019). Updated all site code from HTML 4.1 to full HTML5 compliance, added a SSL certificate so the site can use the more secure HTTPS rather than standard HTTP, and merged a number of substantive poli sci pages (most of which received few visitors per year anyway) into course-related pages where their material will be more useful (Summer 2018).
Last updated: 6 February 2025
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Paul R. Hensel. All rights reserved.
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